
  • Why do we name them DS-1?

    Velotechnic DS-1 Why do we name them DS-1? In short, DS stands for Drive Side and 1 being the first pair of hubs we designed and made. The section...
  • Black & White

  • Token C45

    We swap the original hubs for DS1 
  • Low Drag

    Velotechnic DS1 - A fine example of our low drag hub spinning over 1 minute and they are not even break-in yet! To reduce the overall cost, we opt ...
  • New colour with our label

    We received the 2nd shipment today with a new red and with our logo finally on them. 
  • Bigger + Badder

    We just make them BIGGER and BADDER !You deserve to ride the right hubs.  
  • Venn VAR77

    Arm your aero bike with Venn VAR77 - optimally shaped for aerodynamics with artificial intelligence.  Even at 77mm it sails through crosswinds smoo...
  • Colour our label!

    We made some vinyl stickers for the logo on these pre production hubs.Hubs#velotechnic #ds1 #centerlockTags#wheelangel #wheelbuild #wheelbuilder #...
  • Velotechnic Centerlock Disc Hubs

      Encouraged by the feedback on the DS1, going to disc is just the natural step to take. Design has been confirmed and we will be making a test ba...
  • Tommy Barse from Cutlass Velo

    Tommy Barse from Cutlass Velo cranking hard on the DS1. 
  • High polish silver mirror

      High polished silver - without anodising. And prepared for anodising. You may use these finish as it is but care has to be taken regularly to avo...
  • Change the broken hub

    Replaced the hub set for the entire wheel as the front hub went burst. Heard these were very old campy wheels.